Research Software
Availability: | Linux, Windows, Apps@Stern |
Anaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. The distribution includes data-science packages suitable for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Anaconda is available on the SCRC servers, Apps@Stern, and the Anaconda Community Edition can be installed on your local machine.
Availability: | Apps@Stern |
EViews is software for general statistical analysis, time series estimation and forecasting, large-scale model simulation, presentation graphics, and simple data management.
Eviews is available to Stern Faculty and PhD Students on Apps@Stern.
Availability: | Linux, Windows |
FileZilla is an open-source file transfer program that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Use it to transfer files to and from your local machine and SCRC Linux servers.
Availability: | Linux, Windows |
Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
A version of Java is available to Stern faculty and PhD students on SCRC servers, both on Windows and Linux machines. You can also install Java on a local machine.
Availability: | NYU Virtual Computer Lab |
Mathematica is a fully integrated technical computing system, combining interactive calculation (both numerical and symbolic), visualization tools, and a complete programming environment.
Faculty can purchase Mathematica from ITS. NYU has a campus-wide site license for Mathematica for Windows and Mac. For more information, please see the links below.
Stern PhD students who need to install Mathematica on their PC should contact the Stern Doctoral Office.
Mathematica is available for use by students via Web browser through the NYU Virtual Computer Lab. It is also installed on all NYU Data Services workstations.
Availability: | Linux, Windows, NYU Virtual Computer Lab |
MATLAB, which stands for MATrix LABoratory, is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that does not require dimensioning. It is a high-level matrix/array language with control flow statements, functions, data structures, input/output, and object-oriented programming features. Typical uses include math and computation, algorithm development, modeling, simulation, prototyping, and data analysis.
MATLAB is available to everyone at NYU through the MATLAB Portal. MATLAB is also available to Stern faculty and PhD students on the research servers at SCRC.
MATLAB is available for use by Students through the NYU Virtual Computer Lab.
Availability: | Apps@Stern, NYU Virtual Computer Lab, NYU Research Software |
Minitab is a data analysis software package. Minitab provides users with tools to perform statistical analysis, including hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and ANOVA. It runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux computers.
Oracle Crystal Ball#
Availability | Windows |
PuTTY is a simple, compact Windows program for logging in to Unix or Linux via Telnet or SSH.
PuTTY is available as a free download. It also can be found installed on all Data Service Studio workstations on the 5th floor of Bobst Library.
Availability | Linux, Windows, Apps@Stern |
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.
Python is available to all researchers on Linux and Windows, on SCRC. You can also install Python locally on your computer. Python is also available on Apps@Stern.
Availability | SternID, NYUHome |
Qualtrics is software for creating and administering web-based surveys.
Stern faculty and students are entitled to a Qualtrics account. It is also available from the NYU Survey Service through the Research tab in NYUHome. For further information, see NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics).
Availability | Linux, Windows, Apps@Stern, NYU Virtual Computer Lab |
R, also known as GNU S, is a free statistical and graphics language and environment. It is similar to the S language, and is written for Unix, Windows, and Mac.
R is available on Apps@Stern, the Stern Citrix server. It is also available to Students through the NYU Virtual Computer Lab (VCL), the NYU Citrix server. R can be downloaded free and installed locally, as well. See link below.
SAS and Enterprise Miner#
Availability | Linux, Windows, NYU Virtual Computer Lab |
SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is an integrated suite of modular products facilitating four data-driven tasks – data access, data management, data analysis, and data presentation.
SAS supports SQL (Structured Query Language), and can subset and merge a wide range of data sources. SAS software computes simple descriptive statistics, and complicated and highly specialized statistical and econometric analyses. These include regression, planning, simulation, forecasting, quality improvement, project management, decision support, and more. In addition, SAS software produces reports that range from a simple listing of a data set to customized reports of complex relationships.
SAS Enterprise Miner streamlines the data mining process to create highly accurate predictive and descriptive models based on analysis of vast amounts of data.
The Linux version of SAS is available to Stern faculty and PhD students on SCRC servers. The Windows version of SAS is available for use by students via web browser through the NYU Virtual Computer Lab.
Licenses and software for the installation of Windows versions of SAS are available for purchase by NYU faculty, staff, and matriculated graduate students through Stern PhD students should contact the Stern Doctoral Office to obtain a SAS license.
Availability | Windows |
SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) is a program with a wide range of statistical procedures for basic analysis including: aggregate, counts, crosstabs, cluster, descriptives, factor analysis, regression and cluster analysis.
SPSS for Windows or Mac is available for purchase by NYU faculty, administrators, and staff at a discounted price from the NYU Computer Store.
NYU Students who are not in the Stern Doctoral Program may purchase the student versions of SPSS through the NYU Computer Store.
Availability | Windows |
Stat/Transfer is a data conversion software utility which transfers data files between different programs. It supports more than 30 different file formats, including SAS and JMP, Matlab, Stata, SPSS, R, Minitab, Excel and Access, and ASCII.
Faculty may purchase Stat/Transfer directly from
If you are Stern faculty or a PhD student, you can request a local PC installation of Stat/Transfer by emailing us at
Availability | Linux, Windows, Apps@Stern, NYU Virtual Computer Lab |
Stata is a complete, integrated statistical package that provides tools for data analysis, data management, and graphics.
Stata is available for use by Stern faculty and students through Apps@Stern, and by students through the NYU Virtual Computer Lab. Stata runs via Web browser on these systems. Stata is also available to Stern researchers on SCRC servers.
Stata for local installation can be purchased at a discount by NYU faculty, staff, and students. See Stata Prof+ Plan to order.