Wharton Research Database Services is an internet based research business data service from the Wharton School. WRDS data consists of historical financial information for banks, government bonds, stock exchanges, and major companies. It is intended solely for research and instructional purposes.
Accessing WRDS Without a Password
The WRDS website may be accessed without an account at WRDS Connect on public workstations at Bobst Library.
Accessing WRDS With an Account and Password
Users with a WRDS account can login at Wharton Research Database Services from on or off campus. Faculty, PhD, and Research Assistant accounts come with personal and shared work space on the WRDS server, a personal record of queries, and secure access to the WRDS linux server and data. In addition, faculty may apply for Class accounts which allow their students to use WRDS from off campus.
New Accounts
New York University faculty, administrators, staff, and students may apply for a WRDS account. In addition, non-PhD students may request a Research Assistant account for a limited time if they are doing research with a faculty member. Faculty may request accounts for classes.
Requesting an account
The following steps will guide you in obtaining your WRDS account:
- Visit Wharton Research Database Services with your Web browser.
- Click on the “Register” button at the top of the login page.
- Complete the form, read the WRDS Terms of Use Statement, and submit. The NYU Representative for WRDS will receive a message from WRDS regarding your account application. The NYU Representative will check your NYU affiliation.
- Once your account request is approved, WRDS will send you an e-mail with instructions for setting your password.
If you have suggestions, comments, questions or problems using this service, please contact us at research@stern.nyu.edu. If you have problems, questions, or suggestions concerning WRDS database access or data querying, or programming on the WRDS server, click the Contact button at the top of the WRDS Login Page or WRDS Home Page and complete the form.