A Python virtual environment is a personal isolated Python installation. The virtual environment consists of a directory that contains all the necessary executables for a Python project. You can customize this environment by installing additional Python packages.
General Steps: Creating or Configuring
- On a login node, create python virtual environment in your bigdata directory. First time only.
- Activate
- Install packages
- Deactivate
Running as Slurm batch job
In sbatch script, include module load and virtual environment activation, e.g.,
# [hello-world.sbatch]
#SBATCH --job-name=hello # Job name
#SBATCH --output=hello.out # Output file name
#SBATCH --export=ALL # Export all environment variables
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00 # Set max runtime of job = 1 minute
#SBATCH --mem=4G # Request 4 gigabytes of memory
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL # Send email notifications
#SBATCH --mail-user=you@stern.nyu.edu # email TO
#SBATCH --partition=test # Specify the partition to submit the job to
module purge # Start with a clean environment
module load python/3.9.7 # Load python module
source ~/bigdata/05-virtenvs/py3.9/bin/activate # activate virt env
python hello-world.py # Run python
Submit job:
sbatch hello-world.sbatch
How to Create a Python virtual environment
Note: Always create virtual environments in your
directory. If you do not have abigdata
directory, emailscrc-list@stern.nyu.edu
to request one.
Load the Python module.
module load python/3.9.7
Create the virtual environment and specify the location. For example
virtualenv ~/bigdata/05-virtenvs/py3.9
You only need to create the virtual environment once but you can create multiple virtual environments with different versions and flavors of Python.
source ~/bigdata/05-virtenvs/py3.9/bin/activate
Notice the name of the active virtual environment is prepended to your prompt
Install Python modules with pip
See modules currently installed
pip list
Install a new module
pip install requests