Get Started
Getting an Account#
Stern users
For those in the Stern School of Business, you can use your existing activated Stern account, i.e., Stern NetID and password, to access SCRC services and resources. If you haven’t already, activate your Stern account.
Non-Stern NYU users
Those already at NYU but not in Stern (and not enrolled in a Stern course) must have a full-time Stern employee make a request on their behalf by contacting the Stern IT Help Desk at or 212-998-0180 and provide the following information:
- Full Name
- NYU UniversityID (N#)
- Date of birth
- Sponsor’s name (Stern faculty or employee)
- Sponsoring department
- Expiration date (max 1 year; extensions may be requested yearly)
Activate your Stern account to use SCRC services.
Non-NYU users
Non-NYU affiliated users must first obtain an NYU account by having an authorized sponsor request an NYU NetID on their behalf by filling out the IT Onboarding Form. It is accessed by logging into the NYU VPN, then logging into, clicking the hamburger menu, selecting “Request Affiliate”, and then “Request Affiliate User”. For additional help contact NYU IT support at or 212-998-3333.
Accessing the SCRC Systems#
Log in to a Terminal Command Line Interface
The most common way to access the SCRC servers is to use a Command Line Interface (CLI) from a terminal application. A CLI is a text-based interface that allows users to interact with a host by entering text commands at the prompt of a terminal application.
The SCRC hosts that you connect to are running Linux. You will use your Stern NetID and password to authenticate to either one of SCRC’s remote login hosts:
If Off Campus, First Connect to the NYU VPN
If you are connecting from a remote location that is not on the NYU network (your home for example), you need to set up your computer to use the NYU VPN. Once you’ve created a VPN connection, you can proceed as if you were connected to the NYU network.
If you’re on the NYU network already, you can proceed directly with your connection.
Log in From Mac/Linux
Open the terminal application and use the ssh
command to make a secure connection to one of SCRC’s remote login hosts. E.g., if your Stern NetID is xy12,
Log in From Windows
Windows users have several options:
- Command Line: Open the
program on an updated Windows 10 or later machine. Type thessh
command the same as shown above for Mac/Linux. - WSL2: If you run Windows 10 or later, you can install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and then install Ubuntu or other Linux distributions on your machine. You will get a fully functional Ubuntu distribution with a terminal application. Type the
command the same as shown above for Mac/Linux. - PuTTY: PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator and network file transfer application that supports logging in with the
Note: If you are using WSL2, you may not be able to access the internet when Cisco AnyConnect VPN, installed from the .exe
file, is activated. A potential solution is to uninstall Cisco AnyConnect and install AnyConnect using Microsoft Store and then set up a new VPN connection using the settings described on the IT webpage.
Getting and using PuTTy
PuTTY is free and can be downloaded from PuTTY Download. Download and run the latest installer file from the website. Follow the on-screen install instructions. Once installed, start PuTTY, then type
or in the “Host Name” field and click “Open”.
Note: The first time you log in a dialog may appear which starts with “The server’s host key is not cached…”. Click Yes in this dialog.
Type your Stern NetID and password at the “login as” and “password” prompts, respectively. You should now be logged in and see a command line prompt from which you can enter Linux commands or run programs.
Transferring files from local to remote Linux server#
On Windows, Linux and Mac (using FileZilla)
Download, install, and start FileZilla. If off-campus, first log in to the NYU VPN.
Enter the following for a new connection:
- Host:
- Username: <your Stern ID>
- Password: <your password>
- Port: 22
Click Quickconnect.
On the left, you should see your local computer, while on the right, your Linux homedir.
Drag-and-drop files to transfer between the local and the Linux server.
Linux Tutorial#
For an in-depth tutorial, you can navigate to this Linux guide: Learning the Shell.
This tutorial demonstrates the basic Linux commands a user would need to use and run programs on the SCRC Linux computers. The Linux machines use a command line interface called a Shell. The Shell is the interface where you enter Linux commands. There are many types of shells. By default, SCRC Linux machines use the BASH shell. The first thing you see after logging in is the shell’s command prompt. For example, Christine Thomas’s prompt might look something like this:
[ct27@rnd ~]$
Your Home Directory
Once logged in, you are deposited into your home directory. Every user has a home directory. Your home directory is where you will store most of your files.
Show the present working directory
To see the complete name and path of the current working directory, use the command
$ pwd
This prints the full directory path. Here, Christine’s home directory name is ct27
which is contained within a directory called c
which is inside the directory employees
inside the directory homedir
. The Linux directory structure is a hierarchical tree structure.
Show contents of a directory
To see a list of the files and directories in the current directory type ls -l
(list directory contents using long format), e.g.,
$ ls -l
total 180
drwxr-xr-x 3 ct27 nobody 4096 Apr 5 2023 mywork
drwxr-xr-x 3 ct27 nobody 4096 Apr 3 2023 archived-work
-rw-r--r-- 1 ct27 nobody 0 Mar 18 2023 prog.sas7bdat
-rw-r--r-- 1 ct27 nobody 1421 Mar 18 2023 prog.sas7bdat.log
is the command and -l
is, in this example, the option for the command. The -l
option formats the results into long format. Long format lists more than just the names of the files which is what ls
alone would show. In this example, the output shows two directories – mywork
and archived-work
(notice the d
at the beginning of the line), and two files – prog.sas7bdat
and prog.sas7bdat.log
. Some other information we see, e.g., the size of the log file is 1421 bytes, its owner is ct27
, it’s last modification date is Apr 5 2023
Auto Completion in the Shell
Press the `Tab` key after enough of the word you are trying to complete has been typed in. If when hitting tab the word is not completed there are probably multiple possibilities for the completion. Press tab again and it will list the possibilities.
Create a sub-directory
Say you would like to work on a project. It is probably convenient to create a sub-directory to hold the project’s files, i.e., program, data and results. To create a directory use the mkdir
(make directory) command, e.g.,
$ mkdir costProject
This command creates a new directory called costProject
inside the current directory.
Verify this by typing ls -l
Note: Linux is case sensitive, so for example costproject
is not the same as costProject
Change to a subdirectory
To change into the costProject directory, i.e., make it the current directory, use the cd
(change directory) command, e.g.,
$ cd costProject
Verify that we are in the costProject
directory using pwd
$ pwd
Create or edit a file
nano is a simple text editor used to create or edit a data or program file, etc. For example, to edit a file called costdata.dat
$ nano costdata.dat
This picture shows the nano editor editing the file costdata.dat
. Along the bottom of the nano editor are the editor’s commands. The character ^
is the ctrl
key. To save the file you type ctrl-o
and then to exit nano type ctrl-x
List the contents of a file
The more
command displays the contents of a file, one screen-full at a time. Press the space bar to move forward screen by screen until the end of the file is reached or press the letter q, for quit., E.g.,
$ more costdata.dat
If the file contents are larger than can be shown in one page, the more
command shows you the first page and halts. To see the next page press the space bar and to quit type q
Breaking out
If you get stuck or “hung” after typing a command, etc., then use ctrl-c
to break out or cancel your current command. ctrl-c
returns you to the command prompt.
Linux Tutorial Continued
Most Linux commands are short, typically an abbreviation or mnemonic for what the command does. For example, the command to delete a file is rm
which is short for remove. Recall: Linux is case-sensitive, i.e., it distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase (recognizing commands in lowercase only).
Most commands follow a common syntax:
$ command -options arguments
Here are some examples of basic Linux commands and command syntax.
To list all of the files in your current directory, type
$ ls
To get a long listing of the files in your current working directory including information on size, date of modification and permissions, type
$ ls -l
To make a copy of a file and give it a new name, type
$ cp costdata.dat costdata.dat.bak
To remove (delete) a file, type
$ rm costdata.dat
Note: There is no undo in Linux therefore once a file has been deleted there is no easy way to recover it.
To rename (move) a file, type
$ mv costdata.dat.bak newcostdata.dat
To create a sub-directory, type
$ mkdir study1
To change (move down) into the new directory, type
$ cd study1
To change (move up) to the previous directory, type
$ cd ..
To remove a directory, type
$ rmdir study1
To remove ALL files in the current directory whose name begins with costdata
, type
$ rm costdata*
The asterisk (*
) is a wildcard character that matches one or more characters. Be VERY careful with removing files and using the * wildcard character. You might end up permanently deleting more than you intended. Always do a list first, e.g., ls costdata*
to show the files that would be deleted with the rm costdata*
Redirecting Input and Output
Commands usually display their results to the screen. Also, commands normally operate on data as you type it in from the keyboard. A right angle-bracket >
(called an “into”) on the command line indicates that the next word is the name of a file or device in which to place, or redirect the output of a command, e.g.,
$ ls > list
will place the output of the ls
command in a file named list
. If a file named list
existed before you entered this command, any previous contents will be over written.
You can append to the end of a file using a double right angle-bracket >>
(called an “onto”). For example, if the next command entered was:
$ date >> list
The output of the date
command would be added to the bottom of the file called list
The output of one command can be fed as input into to another command. The symbol for the input/output (I/O) connection is a vertical bar |
called a pipe.
For example, a directory containing many files will scroll off the screen if just ls
is used. If a pipe is used to direct the output of ls
to be the input of more
, then the directory listing will be shown one screen-full at a time and will not scroll off the screen.
$ ls | more
Online Help
To get on-line help in Linux, use the man
command. It provides access to a comprehensive online Linux manual. Type man
followed by a command or topic on which you want information:
$ man <command>
To make the online manual more helpful, an index is provided. The index is accessed with the -k
option of the man
command. For example:
$ man -k directory
will display a one-line synopsis of all manual pages having to do with directories.The Linux File System
Linux uses a hierarchical file structure, which is made up of files, directories and sub-directories. A file can hold text, data, or a program. Directories contain files and sub-directories. A sub-directory is a directory that has been created within another directory.
You can also use the ‘–help’ to get a description of the command’s usage. Simply type your command whose usage you to know in the terminal with –h or –help after a space and press enter. And you’ll get the complete usage of that command as shown below. An example below:
$ cat --help
Since Linux is set up to let users share files, you have the option of allowing or denying access to others on the system. Permissions determine who may access your files and directories or what may be done with a file or a directory. Use ls -l
to see what permissions your files and directories have.
-rw------- 1 ct27 devel Aug 20 10:15 logon
-rwx------ 1 ct27 devel Aug 19 15:23 a.out
-r-xr-xr-x 1 ct27 devel Aug 28 09:48 ls-list
drwx------ 1 ct27 resch Aug 27 15:45 sas-one/
drw------- 1 ct27 resch Aug 27 15:45 tex/
The characters d
, r
, w
, x
, and -
at the far left indicate the permission of each file and directory. There are 10 positions. Position 1 is the directory indicator. Positions 2,3,4 apply to the owner (creator) in this case ct27. Positions 5,6,7 apply to the group. Here, there are two different groups shown, devel
and resch
. Positions 8, 9,10 apply to all users.
The meaning of the letters are:
d (directory)
If the first letter is a “d”, the file is a directory. If the first character is a hyphen (“-“), then it is a regular file.
r (readable)
A file must be readable to be looked at or copied. A directory must be readable for you to list its contents.
w (writable)
A file must be writable in order for you to modify it, remove it, or rename it. A directory must be writable in order for you to add or delete files in it.
x (executable)
A file with executable permissions is one you can run, such as a program or a shell script. A directory must be executable in order for you to move into it (using the cd command), list its contents, or create or delete files there.
The hyphen (-
) appears when the permission is switched off. For instance, if a hyphen (-
) appears in place of an r
, then the file or directory is not readable.
Some Examples
The file is read/write for owner, read only for others.
The directory is read/write/search for owner, read/search for group, searchable only for others.
Changing File and Directory Permissions
The file and directory permission levels in Linux can be changed to allow or deny access to other users. The chmod
command is used to set the protection level. You can add or remove protection levels by using either +
(add) or -
(remove) with chmod
and a letter signifying a class of users:
- u for the file owner
- g for a system defined group
- o for users in neither u or g
- a for all users
- and the desired access settings:
- r for read access
- w for write access
- x for execute access
For example to change the file called my.dat
with the permissions:
to read/write/execute for all users (owner, group, and other) type the command:
$ chmod a+rwx my.dat
The resultant permissions would be:
Now, change the permissions of “my.dat” so that only the owner can read, modify or delete it, i.e.:
$ chmod u-x my.dat
$ chmod g-rwx my.dat
$ chmod o-rwx my.dat
The resulting permissions are:
The most recent commands typed at the command line interface are saved and can be viewed or retrieved for re-use. Access the history by pressing the up arrow. To search for a command in the history type ctrl-r
, type the search text, then press enter to re-execute or ctrl-c
to abort
Basic Cursor Movement, Cut, Paste and Undo
ctrl-a | move cursor to beginning of line |
ctrl-e | move cursor to end of line |
ctrl-k | cut everything after the cursor |
ctrl-y | paste the last thing cut |
ctrl-_ | undo |
Command Summary
cat | display contents of a file |
cd dir | moves you to directory called dir |
pwd | diplay the current working directory |
chmod permissions | sets permissions on a file |
clear | clear screen |
cp | copies a file |
diff file1 file2 | compare two files |
exit | exit Linux shell |
file | lists file type of given file |
find –name filename | search for file called filename |
grep | search for files containing search-string |
cat file | grep searchstring | search file for the text searchstring |
head | displays top lines of a file |
history | displays recently entered commands |
ls | lists the contents of a directory |
ls -l | like ls, but in long format |
man cmd | displays manual pages about cmd |
mkdir dir | creates a directory |
more | displays the contents of a file |
mv | moves or renames a file |
nano filename | launches a baskic text editor to edit filename |
pwd | tells you which directory you’re in |
rm filename | removes a file |
rmdir dirname | removes a directory |
sort | sort content of files |
tail | displays the last lines of a file |
Python Simple Job Tutorial#
This tutorial is intended to familiarize you with the process of running and scheduling jobs on the SCRC Slurm cluster. You will use the Simple Python Job to run a basic Python script that outputs the text “Hello World!”.
Make sure you’re logged in to a Linux terminal with SSH. Instructions can be found at Accessing the SCRC Systems.
Writing Python code
Using a text editing program such as nano, vim, code, or emacs, create a python script ‘’.
Print string "Hello World!" to output
# --------------------------------
# main
# --------------------------------
def main():
print("Hello World!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Creating the Slurm Script
To run a Python script use a Slurm sbatch file to allocate the necessary compute resources. It contains directives for Slurm to interpret as well as programs for it to execute. Here is an example sbatch file, ‘hello-world.sbatch’, that submits the python job to the Slurm cluster.
# [hello-world.sbatch]
#SBATCH --job-name=hello # Job name
#SBATCH --output=hello.out # Output file name
#SBATCH --export=ALL # Export all environment variables
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00 # Set max runtime of job = 1 minute
#SBATCH --mem=4G # Request 4 gigabytes of memory
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL # Send email notifications
#SBATCH # email TO
#SBATCH --partition=test # Specify the partition to submit the job to
module purge # Start with a clean environment
module load python/3.9.7 # Load python module
python # Run the script using the loaded Python module
Lines beginning with #SBATCH are Slurm directives that specify job options, resource requests, and scheduling parameters for a job submitted to a Slurm cluster.
The module
command is used to manage environment modules, which allow users to easily load and unload software and environment settings on systems such as HPC clusters. The purge
subcommand clears all loaded modules, while the load
subcommand loads a specific module.
The python
command executes the Python script named “” using the Python interpreter. The script is run with the version of Python that was loaded via the environment module.
Executing the Slurm Script
Submit the job with the command:
sbatch hello-world.sbatch
The job is now queued and as soon as the requested resources are available, Slurm schedules the job onto one of the Slurm compute nodes. If the requested resources cannot be met, the job waits in the queue. To check the status of your submitted jobs:
squeue -u $USER
To check all jobs in the queue and running on the cluster: